Sunday, September 21, 2008

ça va....

Oui, ça va.
(yes, im okay)

school is tough, really tough. and my sad homesick feeling never really goes away, but with my cool weekends, they should. this weekend i went to a bar with friends, did some shopping in France, went to this cool night game thing outside of belgium, and got to speak some english with two other americans along the way.
love from belgium, bisous!



Hillary said...

I am so happy to hear you're doing better little missy!

Rob said...

Hang in there Maura! Have all the fun you can. You can spend the next 90 years in Eugene, you may never get the chance to spend a year in Europe. We miss you too, but all of your family will be here when you come home.

Greg A. said...

Hello Maura - keep looking for the positives and enjoying the fun. This is an experience that will bring back fond memories as time goes on. Enjoy the fun times and persevere the difficult ones. You will be a different person for it. Keep looking for the positives!
We love you, the Allens